
Migrate seamlessly in three simple

Seamless Migration
from Parse to ShepHertz App42

Available after 12:30 PM PST

Here is What Others are Saying After Migration

App42 is one of the few providers that support all the major platforms. I got interested in Xamarin & WP 8/8.1. The features are complete(at least for what I used like data storage, user, and cloud code, push notifications especially tails). The libraries are lightweight and take up little space. The experience of the transition from Parse to App42, and ‘largely positive and recommended to migrate from Parse.

Stefano, Passione Milan

My experience of the App42 platform has been great. It’s the only platform that I found on Windows Phone 8.1 to send Push Notifications. I will migrate my other apps as well.

Manoj Kandlikar, One Taxi Cabs

It’s great to work with App42 platform. I would also use it for my another app as well.

Shreyash, Promact Infotech

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